Szkolenie taktyczne

Offensive driving

The lessons are held by qualified teachers, who work at BOR and whose experience is derived from the
daily work with VIP persons. Driving is taught under natural conditions.
The proposed training covers the following elements:
Teaching safe driving – Offensive driving

    report in tactics and offensive driving techniques (theory)
Practical exercises on concrete slabs and gravel
    Fast steering wheel movements (drifting)
    Symmetrical and asymmetrical slalom
    The elements of offensive driving
    Avoiding obstacles
    Emergency braking before an obstacle
    Controlled slipping and techniques to regain control
    Driving in offensive situations

VIP protection

The training aims to provide the basic skills and rules of the ever-expanding requirements for self-defense.
The courses are held by former BOR officials and include:
    Principles of the organization of the security service and the tasks of the staff
    Behavior and movement with the VIP
    Detection of threats
    Behavior during the threat
The ideal course for people who want to work in VIP protection or to expand their knowledge for this
The training ends with shooting exercises with live ammunition on the shooting range.